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Last updated
Go here, choose the pair you are interested in, click on the pair id, connect to the wallet via SecretKey (How to Get the Secretkey) and put the coins in the pool
Go to https://sdexexplorer.com and in the upper right corner in the search box type CANNACOIN and make sure "Asset Code" is selected and click "Search" (fig. 19)
On the results page select CANNACOIN (check to make sure it is the correct token, under the Account Code you should see "www.stellarcannacoin.org" listed) (fig. 20), on the next screen, check again to make sure you are interacting with the correct token, select the "Liquidity Pool" tab (a) here you will see all the available liquidity pairs with CANNACOIN, choose the one of your interest by clicking on the pool ID (b) (fig 21).
Once you get to the liquidity pool page click on deposit (fig. 22), collate your wallet using your SecretKey (fig. 23), enter the desired amount then click on deposit (fig. 24)