Invest - Timelock CANNACOIN - Single Asset Staking STASHAPP
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Once locked for the desired period there is no way to unlock the funds before the expiry date NO ONE will be able to unlock before the expiry date. Take this into great consideration when deciding to invest
YOUR Cannacoin is "taken" in a matter of speaking, as in you or anyone else for that matter cannot access it during the lock period, but after which it becomes claimable to you and only you.
Call it whatever you like (savings, future, confidence) there are many reasons on would do this.
You receive the following for payment for each lock period:
Your first payment is within seconds of your lock, regardless of period.
12 month Lock - 5% APY : Pays 12 Reward Payments. 5% APY(annual % yield) in CANNACOIN split into 12 equal Payments. (Example: Lock 100000 SCC, reward is 5000 SCC in 12 monthly payments of 416.6666666.) Totaling the 5000 SCC upon last payment.
6 month Lock - 3% APY : Pays 6 Reward Payments. 3% APY(annual % yield) in CANNACOIN split into 6 equal Payments. (Example: Lock 100000 SCC, reward is 3000 SCC in 12 monthly payments of 250 CANNACOIN, however because it is only a 6 month Lock you would only receive 6 payments of the 250 or 3% APYรท12ร6payment a total of 1500 SCC
3 month Lock - 2% APY : Pays 3 Reward Payments. 2% APY(annual % yield) in CANNACOIN split into 3 equal Payments. (Example: Lock 100000 SCC, reward is 2000 SCC in 12 monthly payments of 166.6666666, however because it is only a 3 month Lock you would only receive 3 payments of the 166.6666666 or 2% APYรท12ร3payment a total of 500 SCC
Your reward payments are not Locked or claimable but rather paid directly to your wallet. The first payment is near immediate.
The rewards on locks are a function of StashApp and need to be completed within the app to be approved.
From your main screen select "Liquidity pools" (fig. 9.1a), then choose the option "2-5% CANNACOIN" (fig. 9.1b).
In the next screen choose the option "Lock founds" (fig. 9.2a). Fill in the field with the amount you want to lock (fig. 9.2b), select the duration of the staking (remember the operation is irreversible) (fig. 9.2c) and finally confirm the operation by clicking on "Proceed" (fig. 9.2d). That's it, the next time you visit this page you'll be able to see your locked funds statistics.